Zane got his two top teeth at the beginning of the month. He has 4 now!! I looked in his mouth today and I saw another bottom one that is just breaking skin...and two more on the top that are darn near ready to poke out. Wow...8 teeth in like 3mo. Poor little guy. His mouth has to hurt so bad.
Gabe is doing well in preschool. We did have an issue with him running away from the teacher and almost into the road. It was scary. He is so fast.
We are moving next week. I cannot wait. Gabe is going to love his new toy room. Maybe he will do some actual playing in the play room. Christmas is right around the corner and we will get to celebrate the Holiday in our new home. It's just so exciting.
"Few see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts" -Albert Einstein
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Gabe is starting school
What a busy busy month. We are moving the first of Dec. YAY!! I cannot wait to move. Gabe is starting school. Another exciting moment for us. He will be in a preschool with a mix of neuro-typical kids and non NT kids like Gabe. I really think this is going to be something good for him.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
How Ironic.
All the hype in the media is the H1N1 virus and the vaccine. As many of my friends and family know...I am not a huge fan of vaccines. Tonight on the local evening news they were reporting on the H1N1 vaccine and how it does not contain thymerosol. The news anchor then went on to say thymerosol is not dangerous according to the CDC. My little lovely Gabe happened to be in the living room and walked out into the kitchen repeating CDC, CDC, CDC, CDC. Hmmmm....there's no danger in thymerosol. For those of you that don't know Gabe, he has echolalia and repeats lines from TV shows and parts of speech's a symptom of autism. Thymerosol is thought to cause autism and Gabe has autism spectrum disorder. Just thought it was ironic.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
ADOS testing.
Gabe had the ADOS testing with the school on Wednesday. It went well. The ladies that did the test were very nice. I am not sure what to think of the results yet. They place him not on the spectrum. I emailed a psychologist that does the testing for a living and he said kiddo's with pdd-nos can test and show results not looking like they are on the spectrum. The two gals doing the test said that as well and they are going to go see Gabe at school. I wish they could see him out in public or even just spend the day with him so they can appreciate his perservations and restricted interests.
I am having his TSS be at daycare when they come because he wants to talk to them. It really doesn't matter if the school district dx's Gabe with an ASD. My biggest issue is he is not getting appropriate services. Hopefully, with all my yelling and screaming he will get better help. If not...I'll go the legal route. I have no problems fighting for my child's education.
I am having his TSS be at daycare when they come because he wants to talk to them. It really doesn't matter if the school district dx's Gabe with an ASD. My biggest issue is he is not getting appropriate services. Hopefully, with all my yelling and screaming he will get better help. If not...I'll go the legal route. I have no problems fighting for my child's education.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Gabe's front teeth are fixed and Zane sat up on his own!
Gabe had his dental surgery yesterday. All went well. He has been sensory seeking and stimming a lot since then, but I don't think it has anything to do with the surgery. His front caps on his teeth look different, but I am sure in time I will get used to it. It just makes me sad that his teeth were that damaged and he had to have a root canal on them :-(.
Zane went from laying on the floor to a sitting position last night! He also said dadadada on Sunday and he got his very first tooth on Wednesday. He has had such a busy week. I can't believe he is going to be 8mo soon. He is getting so big.
This weekend we are going to a picnic with some of my friends from work. I hope Gabe behaves. And then we have a birthday party to go to as well. Daddy took off on Monday and I am thinking a trip to the Harbor might be nice. They have a lot of cool things there for kids. The last trip we took to the Harbor was cut very short by one stinky little boy. Gabe had one of the biggest tantrums and we had to leave. Maybe this time will be different.
Zane went from laying on the floor to a sitting position last night! He also said dadadada on Sunday and he got his very first tooth on Wednesday. He has had such a busy week. I can't believe he is going to be 8mo soon. He is getting so big.
This weekend we are going to a picnic with some of my friends from work. I hope Gabe behaves. And then we have a birthday party to go to as well. Daddy took off on Monday and I am thinking a trip to the Harbor might be nice. They have a lot of cool things there for kids. The last trip we took to the Harbor was cut very short by one stinky little boy. Gabe had one of the biggest tantrums and we had to leave. Maybe this time will be different.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
mouthing and chewing
Sounds like the title of this post should be about Zane....but's about Gabe. He is getting worse with mouthing things. We saw a decrease in his desire to put everything in his mouth, but the past month or so it's getting really bad again. I have tried his wiggle toys, chewy foods, sour foods, spicy foods, etc to "wake" up that mouth of his. So far today I have found a paint brush, a car, some paper, and his fingers in his mouth. I feel like all I say anymore is "please not in your mouth Gabe" I wonder how many non edible items my son has eaten in his 4 years of life?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Zane is growing so big
Zane had his 6mo checkup. Well it was more like almost 7mo checkup. They canceled his first one. He grew 3 inches and gained 2 pounds. His head is HUGE. He is in the 20th % for weight and height...but his head is in the 88%. WOW!!!
Zane isn't crawling yet and still tips over when he is sitting...but I'm not in a big hurry to have him crawl. We don't have any gates up yet. Zane actually prefers to be in his jumper chair more then on the floor. He loves to make that thing bounce. He is such a crazy baby in it!
I just can't believe Zane is almost 7mo old. Where in the world does time go?
Zane isn't crawling yet and still tips over when he is sitting...but I'm not in a big hurry to have him crawl. We don't have any gates up yet. Zane actually prefers to be in his jumper chair more then on the floor. He loves to make that thing bounce. He is such a crazy baby in it!
I just can't believe Zane is almost 7mo old. Where in the world does time go?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Gabe LOVES video games...more then any kid out there. I'm sure of it :-). He is obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog right now. Everything Sonic. Even his name is Sonic. I dare not call him Gabe. I remember a time when I couldn't call him anything but Gabe. Not even my "cutie pie". He would say..."NO, I Gabe" and I would just it's Sonic. I guess I am going to have to start looking for a Sonic costume for Halloween! Planning ahead...way ahead. I am sure it's not going to be east finding out I come.
So Zane went to the dr. today. It's an ear infection. He is now on Zithromax for 5 days. I thought it was a three day thing...but his bottle of med says 5 days. I should call the dr. in the morning. He is sooo fussy poor little guy. In between the fussiness he smiles and plays.
We are skipping the fire works this year. Zane freaks out over loud noises. He is so not like his brother. Gabe didn't even flinch when he was a baby...he went to the fire works at 4mo and he didn't even bat an eye when the very loud cannons went off...not Zane though...if I yell at the cat he cries...
I better get off the computer...there's a big storm
Monday, June 29, 2009
no teeth, ear infection, wraparound
So Zane wasn't getting teeth. Nope...he had another ear infection. He just finished antibiotics...and I am thinking he still has I am calling the dr. tomorrow. Zane is still just rolling crawling or any real sign that it will happen. He continues to droll like crazy. I really thought he was getting those teeth. He realized he has thumbs...and he loves to push his thumb down on my arm, daddy's arm, the floor, his toys, or what ever he can and wiggle it back and forth...he does that when he is really tired. It's cute!
Gabe started wraparound. He was pretty good for the BSC and the TSS. The TSS did go out with us in public and noticed his stimming. He also ran from me but not too far. I am so glad we are doing wraparound. I think Gabe is going to learn a lot from these two ladies!!! And they are both really nice.
We took the kids to the amusement park over the weekend. Gabe LOVED the water park. Zane screamed. He hated the cold water...even the slow running baby water park. Finally we just covered him with his blanket and towel and he went to sleep. As long as no water hit him he was okay. If even a sprinkle hit him he cried! We tried to watch the live musical show they had but both boys were minding the loudness. Gabe kept his hands by his ears...and then every now and then he moved them and covered his brothers ears. It made me smile that he was worried about Zane.
Gabe rode every ride he could. He even rode a small roller coaster...and loved it. I figured he would like the fast rides...he is such a sensory seeker. The fast ones are right up his alley! It was a great day.
Gabe started wraparound. He was pretty good for the BSC and the TSS. The TSS did go out with us in public and noticed his stimming. He also ran from me but not too far. I am so glad we are doing wraparound. I think Gabe is going to learn a lot from these two ladies!!! And they are both really nice.
We took the kids to the amusement park over the weekend. Gabe LOVED the water park. Zane screamed. He hated the cold water...even the slow running baby water park. Finally we just covered him with his blanket and towel and he went to sleep. As long as no water hit him he was okay. If even a sprinkle hit him he cried! We tried to watch the live musical show they had but both boys were minding the loudness. Gabe kept his hands by his ears...and then every now and then he moved them and covered his brothers ears. It made me smile that he was worried about Zane.
Gabe rode every ride he could. He even rode a small roller coaster...and loved it. I figured he would like the fast rides...he is such a sensory seeker. The fast ones are right up his alley! It was a great day.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
bleeping bank....
ERRRR.....AHHHHH.....My flipping bank changed names. They say they bought out another bank...but I don't buy it...if they bought out the bank then why did they change names? Hmmm...why? And they have to change their whole online banking system...and now I can't check my account and when I went to use my ATM card the flipping thing wouldn't work. I got denied. Do you know how embarrassing that is? And I had deposited cash....hard cash..not a check. That money should be available right away. Oh I am so flipping mad. Then I tried to call them...and whole phone system is down. And this is from a bank that had a "no merger mania" saying. BULL SHIT! Maybe it is time to go with a credit union...or there is always the mattress. Seriously....this is insane. Oh someone is going to get an ear full.....They are lucky I had cash to pay for my groceries that's all I have to say....
Monday, June 8, 2009
Wraparound...can't start soon enough
WOW....Gabe is a wild child. He can't stay still for 2 seconds. His behavior is yucky. He tells me NO, is running from me all. the. time. and hitting at me. It's just rough in general. And the baby is getting his bottom teeth. Everyone at our house is miserable.
Tomorrow is our intake meeting for wraparound services. They can't come soon enough. Gabe is sensory seeking like mad. Maybe the change in weather? I don't know. But he can't stop climbing. He is climbing on me as I type this. He runs everywhere, has been screaming, jumping in places, spinning, and bouncing off everything. Oh, and he drew on my walls two times in two days.
Zane's teeth must really be hurting him because he is crying all the time. The good news is...he slept through the night two nights in a row. Last night he woke up twice, but I think his teeth were hurting. He is still rolling over and I am convinced he will be crawling by the end of next month. I guess it's time to get some gates. We'll all be living in a gated community for the next couple years.
I am so looking forward to our wraparound meeting tomorrow. Yay...I am sure Gabe isn't going to like the change. He is going to have to learn to walk with mommy and daddy now and we are going to learn better ways to help autistic kids understand and follow rules. I can't wait....
Tomorrow is our intake meeting for wraparound services. They can't come soon enough. Gabe is sensory seeking like mad. Maybe the change in weather? I don't know. But he can't stop climbing. He is climbing on me as I type this. He runs everywhere, has been screaming, jumping in places, spinning, and bouncing off everything. Oh, and he drew on my walls two times in two days.
Zane's teeth must really be hurting him because he is crying all the time. The good news is...he slept through the night two nights in a row. Last night he woke up twice, but I think his teeth were hurting. He is still rolling over and I am convinced he will be crawling by the end of next month. I guess it's time to get some gates. We'll all be living in a gated community for the next couple years.
I am so looking forward to our wraparound meeting tomorrow. Yay...I am sure Gabe isn't going to like the change. He is going to have to learn to walk with mommy and daddy now and we are going to learn better ways to help autistic kids understand and follow rules. I can't wait....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Catching up...
Well this has been a busy week. Zane is finally really rolling over. Not that he is late to do this...he has just been trying like hell for the past 3 or 4 weeks. That darn arm was tricking him up every time. It still does a little, but he figures it out much quicker now. We had tried rice cereal with Zane. The first try went well the second try not so well...and the third even worse. We gave up for now and will try again in a few weeks. He gags terrible no matter how thin I make the cereal.
I had to work 4 12's in a row this past week. It almost killed me. I can do 3 12's but that fourth one really does me in...not to mention...I really missed my family.
Gabe had his wraparound appt. on Tuesday. It went really well. He was approved for 10hrs a week but we opted for 5 to start. That way we can get a feel of the program and they can get a feel as to where Gabe struggles.
I can't wait for everything to start. I think it is really going to help his social skills...
I had to work 4 12's in a row this past week. It almost killed me. I can do 3 12's but that fourth one really does me in...not to mention...I really missed my family.
Gabe had his wraparound appt. on Tuesday. It went really well. He was approved for 10hrs a week but we opted for 5 to start. That way we can get a feel of the program and they can get a feel as to where Gabe struggles.
I can't wait for everything to start. I think it is really going to help his social skills...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
People are just amazing (insert sarcastic tone here)
I feel like I should advocate for autism awarness. Autism has touched my life, my family's life, Gabe's life. Autism does not define's just part of Gabe. There is more to him then language disorder, or stimming, or social issues. There is this loving, beautiful, funny little guy...who can just light up a room when he enters.
I have had people ask me about their kids and if I have an opinion. I always tell them...if you think something isn't right...have them evaluated. I never tell people their children are on the spectrum....I have seen kids in public, even adults for that matter and jokingly said..."that one's definitely on the spectrum" A lot of that is my way of dealing with everyday autism...a way to lighten things up for outlet maybe...kind of like nervous laughter...BUT I would never tell someone their child was autistic...not in a million years...but amazingly enough...I have been accused of sad...It kind of makes me not want to advocate for autism...or be outspoken about something that effects my every waking moment....
I have had people tell me autism is just a cop out, a way to make an excuse, not real, the new ADHD, etc. I blame the media 100% for this. Which, I think is crap! I used to be jealous of people who had "normal" children...not anymore...who wants to be's no fun life is an adventure everyday...I never know what's around the bend. Not to mention I think I can appriciate the small things much more then a parent with a NT kid. I waited 32mo to hear Gabe say ma. I never, ever get tired of hearing that word. I hear parents complain about their 4 year old's endless talking...I cherish every second of Gabe talking.
So, to all you people who thinks autism is a FAKE better wake up...if 1 out of 150 kids were missing...we would have an epidemic....we do's autism.
I have had people ask me about their kids and if I have an opinion. I always tell them...if you think something isn't right...have them evaluated. I never tell people their children are on the spectrum....I have seen kids in public, even adults for that matter and jokingly said..."that one's definitely on the spectrum" A lot of that is my way of dealing with everyday autism...a way to lighten things up for outlet maybe...kind of like nervous laughter...BUT I would never tell someone their child was autistic...not in a million years...but amazingly enough...I have been accused of sad...It kind of makes me not want to advocate for autism...or be outspoken about something that effects my every waking moment....
I have had people tell me autism is just a cop out, a way to make an excuse, not real, the new ADHD, etc. I blame the media 100% for this. Which, I think is crap! I used to be jealous of people who had "normal" children...not anymore...who wants to be's no fun life is an adventure everyday...I never know what's around the bend. Not to mention I think I can appriciate the small things much more then a parent with a NT kid. I waited 32mo to hear Gabe say ma. I never, ever get tired of hearing that word. I hear parents complain about their 4 year old's endless talking...I cherish every second of Gabe talking.
So, to all you people who thinks autism is a FAKE better wake up...if 1 out of 150 kids were missing...we would have an epidemic....we do's autism.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Real talking....
Below is a short clip of Gabe free talking. Where I am not repeating most of what he says. He is talking about Lightening McQueen. Gabe does not sustain conversation very well. This is what he sounds like in a "normal" conversation where I am not prompting or leading him as to what he should say. Gabe does have a lot of very good clear speech as you can hear in the bubble blowing clip below. Most of his clear speech are things we have taught him to say. Or things that he uses everyday. Or what we call well rehearsed speech.
Just recently we purchased an AAC (talker computer) program called proloquo2go. It is run on Gabe's ipod touch. It runs the same as any other talker only it is smaller.
I am hoping this helps with some conversational speech. It did open up communication with daddy yesterday. Gabe told Matt he saw Obama on a plate at he store. It was great seeing him share something like that. Not to mention having your own ipod touch at 4 is pretty damn cool!
Just recently we purchased an AAC (talker computer) program called proloquo2go. It is run on Gabe's ipod touch. It runs the same as any other talker only it is smaller.
I am hoping this helps with some conversational speech. It did open up communication with daddy yesterday. Gabe told Matt he saw Obama on a plate at he store. It was great seeing him share something like that. Not to mention having your own ipod touch at 4 is pretty damn cool!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Fussy baby, rice cereal, rolling over and infected ears...
My mom kept Zane this weekend because I had to work. She said he acts like he is hungry all the time. She told me he cried a lot and seemed not to be satisfied by his milk. So I said to try some formula. He HATED it...and cried when she tried to feed it to him. So, she said I need to start him on rice cereal. We tried yesterday. he did pretty good but didn't sleep through the night. In fact he was up more often...but he woke up with a 101.6 fever so that might have had something to do with it.
I took Zane to the dr. today and he has bilateral ear infections. Poor kid. They started him on an antibiotic...I hope he feels better soon. We tried the rice cereal again tonight...but he cried through the whole process. So I just gave up. I don't think he is ready for cereal.
Zane started rolling over this weekend too. Well he isn't really the whole way over...his arm gets stuck...but he is almost there! Zane is getting too big too fast. He weighs 13lbs 12oz and is 23in long.
I took Zane to the dr. today and he has bilateral ear infections. Poor kid. They started him on an antibiotic...I hope he feels better soon. We tried the rice cereal again tonight...but he cried through the whole process. So I just gave up. I don't think he is ready for cereal.
Zane started rolling over this weekend too. Well he isn't really the whole way over...his arm gets stuck...but he is almost there! Zane is getting too big too fast. He weighs 13lbs 12oz and is 23in long.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Let the screaming continue
Oh boy...Gabe is still at it. He had speech today. He had some nasty behavior but his ST did a great job redirecting. Well I guess he had too much redirecting with her that he couldn't be redirected with me. He always gets a prize after speech. Just ONE prize. Mr. Gabe thought he had to have TWO. I tried to help him pick one...but there was no way he was giving up. He ended up with NO prize. I had to physically carry him out of the office leaving Zane in his car seat sitting with other clients.
Absolutely devastated this of the gals I work with had her son in for his ST and she saw the whole thing. She knows Gabe has an autism dx...but was rather upsetting. I didn't cry this time. Gabe had two more meltdowns at home. I made him take a nap today. So far this evening he has been pretty good.
I decided I am calling for a TSS. I don't care if Matt doesn't want Gabe to have one. I can't deal with a baby and a child that is running from me in the parking lot. There is a huge safety issue there. Not to mention Gabe has started hitting me.
Wish I knew what was going on that is causing all these tantrums. hmmmm...
Absolutely devastated this of the gals I work with had her son in for his ST and she saw the whole thing. She knows Gabe has an autism dx...but was rather upsetting. I didn't cry this time. Gabe had two more meltdowns at home. I made him take a nap today. So far this evening he has been pretty good.
I decided I am calling for a TSS. I don't care if Matt doesn't want Gabe to have one. I can't deal with a baby and a child that is running from me in the parking lot. There is a huge safety issue there. Not to mention Gabe has started hitting me.
Wish I knew what was going on that is causing all these tantrums. hmmmm...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Shot
Everyone that knows me has had their ears talked off about vaccine's by me! I have been researching vaccine's since Gabe was dx'd with autism. I don't think vaccine's caused his ASD but who knows. What I learned was vaccine's have a whole lot of yuck in them. I decided that I am going to vax Zane very, very, very, slowly. That means one shot every month or two...and no combo shots excepts for DTaP because you can't get it separated. Because of Matt's and my decision to go slow and delete some vaccine's we were kicked out of our old pediatricians office! Doh.
Well today Zane got his first vaccine. He got DTaP. He seems to be okay. A bit fussy but not too bad. He did however act really weird when he woke from a nap. In fact, I thought he was having a seizure. His little arms were flailing around and his eyes looked weird...but it was over too quick and I think it was a really bad startle reflex. He woke up and was on his back and I think it scared him. He doesn't like to lay on his back. Of course it scared the hell out of me and I screamed for Matt...but Zane was okay by the time he came into the bedroom. So, I think it is me just being a crazy momma. I won't take my eyes off of him now!
Why does the big Pharm have to put such nasty things in our children....
I thought about going vax free...but with me working in the medical field I am afraid of bringing things home to my children. Hopefully this shot doesn't do anything to Zane. He is perfect in every way. He coo's and make beautiful eye contact. He is interested in people's faces...and I don't want any of that to fade away....
....already dreading shot number two.....
Well today Zane got his first vaccine. He got DTaP. He seems to be okay. A bit fussy but not too bad. He did however act really weird when he woke from a nap. In fact, I thought he was having a seizure. His little arms were flailing around and his eyes looked weird...but it was over too quick and I think it was a really bad startle reflex. He woke up and was on his back and I think it scared him. He doesn't like to lay on his back. Of course it scared the hell out of me and I screamed for Matt...but Zane was okay by the time he came into the bedroom. So, I think it is me just being a crazy momma. I won't take my eyes off of him now!
Why does the big Pharm have to put such nasty things in our children....
I thought about going vax free...but with me working in the medical field I am afraid of bringing things home to my children. Hopefully this shot doesn't do anything to Zane. He is perfect in every way. He coo's and make beautiful eye contact. He is interested in people's faces...and I don't want any of that to fade away....
....already dreading shot number two.....
Monday, March 23, 2009
The weekend Melt Down...
Wow...who ate my child. Gabe has meltdowns here and there. Some are extremely unpleasing. Not that any are a fun ride, but the one on Saturday takes the prize.
I took both kids to the store! My first big mistake. Everything was going great until we hit the cereal aisle. "Gabe,pick a cereal buddy" My second mistake...which proved to be catastrophic in nature. "Cereal sticks mom" says Gabe. "No not this time kiddo. Please pick something else" That was all I needed to say. From then on it was full screaming, crying, yelling "let me go", hitting, kicking, and maybe even some spitting.
I have been embarrassed in the store before, but this time I was devastated. I could feel people staring at me. I dare not make eye contact with anyone...because at any given moment I was going to lose it and start screaming and crying.
I quickly finished shopping and proceeded to the check out. Gabe continued screaming and kicking. Now however he was locked into the cart...I had to pull the cart for fear of being kicked by flying feet. The check out lady said "hows your day" I just looked at her with those "you have to be kidding me eyes...and said could be better"
Gabe managed to scream and cry for over and hour. He ran from me in the parking lot...and continued screaming and crying once we got home. Needless to say I cried pretty much the whole way home too. Daddy tried to help...but Gabe ran from him too! Finally I got Gabe to let me hold him...and I rocked him and rocked him...and his little body did I...until the baby started crying...oh boy!
Gabe had another melt down on Sunday but not near as bad. I hope this is just the weather changing. Gabe is not a perfect child. He has some behavior issues...but usually I can redirect him. There was no redirecting this weekend...And the running from me in the parking lot is's just scary.
I hope this week turns out to be better....
I took both kids to the store! My first big mistake. Everything was going great until we hit the cereal aisle. "Gabe,pick a cereal buddy" My second mistake...which proved to be catastrophic in nature. "Cereal sticks mom" says Gabe. "No not this time kiddo. Please pick something else" That was all I needed to say. From then on it was full screaming, crying, yelling "let me go", hitting, kicking, and maybe even some spitting.
I have been embarrassed in the store before, but this time I was devastated. I could feel people staring at me. I dare not make eye contact with anyone...because at any given moment I was going to lose it and start screaming and crying.
I quickly finished shopping and proceeded to the check out. Gabe continued screaming and kicking. Now however he was locked into the cart...I had to pull the cart for fear of being kicked by flying feet. The check out lady said "hows your day" I just looked at her with those "you have to be kidding me eyes...and said could be better"
Gabe managed to scream and cry for over and hour. He ran from me in the parking lot...and continued screaming and crying once we got home. Needless to say I cried pretty much the whole way home too. Daddy tried to help...but Gabe ran from him too! Finally I got Gabe to let me hold him...and I rocked him and rocked him...and his little body did I...until the baby started crying...oh boy!
Gabe had another melt down on Sunday but not near as bad. I hope this is just the weather changing. Gabe is not a perfect child. He has some behavior issues...but usually I can redirect him. There was no redirecting this weekend...And the running from me in the parking lot is's just scary.
I hope this week turns out to be better....
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sick kids and going back to work
Wow....I have to go back to work on Tuesday. Where did time go? I have really enjoyed my time off. Sure wish I could be a stay at home mommy. Oh well working two days a week and every other weekend isn't so bad.
So Gabe is a sick cookie. He keeps running high fevers. Looks like we are going to have to head to the dr tomorrow. Not what I wanted to be doing right before going back to work...but that's what it looks like I am going to have to do.
I took Zane off the zantac. It wasn't helping. He still screams his head off. His new dr. suggested I not drink or eat milk products. Ugh that is hard. I love cereal in the morning. I just started the no milk hopefully that helps Zane's tummy issues.
We had to change dr.s recently because we got kicked out of our old office for not vaccinating Zane. Our new dr. is AWESOME! They said we can do our vaccine how ever we want. Nice and slow go the vaccine's for little baby Zane.
Other then poor sick Gabe...things are going rather well. I am excited to go back to work...but will miss all my time at home...
So Gabe is a sick cookie. He keeps running high fevers. Looks like we are going to have to head to the dr tomorrow. Not what I wanted to be doing right before going back to work...but that's what it looks like I am going to have to do.
I took Zane off the zantac. It wasn't helping. He still screams his head off. His new dr. suggested I not drink or eat milk products. Ugh that is hard. I love cereal in the morning. I just started the no milk hopefully that helps Zane's tummy issues.
We had to change dr.s recently because we got kicked out of our old office for not vaccinating Zane. Our new dr. is AWESOME! They said we can do our vaccine how ever we want. Nice and slow go the vaccine's for little baby Zane.
Other then poor sick Gabe...things are going rather well. I am excited to go back to work...but will miss all my time at home...
Friday, February 13, 2009
busy life
Wow have we been busy. Speech three days a week, dr's appt., family outings, etc. Everyone is doing pretty well in the monkey household. Gabe has adjusted rather nicely to Zane. He is having more anxiety over small broken crayons, or things that are out of place. I have also noticed his sensory issues rearing their ugly head more and more. He has to touch everything, and his fingers are in his mouth almost all the time. I have been letting him use his pacifier more just so I can keep those fingers out of his mouth. Gabe has another OT eval next month. Hopefully, he can get some OT through the school district and some of his sensory issues will take a back seat.
Zane is growing like a weed. I can't believe how big he is getting. He nurses like a champ but he is way fussy. He was dx'd with reflux and started on zantac but I think it is more of a colic thing. He spends most of his awake hours crying unless someone is holding him. I made a moby wrap and he loves to be snuggled inside of it or his sling. I love the moby because it puts him up higher and I can get more done when I am "wearing" him.
So, I have turned into a breast feeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing, hippie momma....and I LOVE IT!!!!
Zane is growing like a weed. I can't believe how big he is getting. He nurses like a champ but he is way fussy. He was dx'd with reflux and started on zantac but I think it is more of a colic thing. He spends most of his awake hours crying unless someone is holding him. I made a moby wrap and he loves to be snuggled inside of it or his sling. I love the moby because it puts him up higher and I can get more done when I am "wearing" him.
So, I have turned into a breast feeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing, hippie momma....and I LOVE IT!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Baby is here!

December 30,2008. Baby Zane arrived screaming!! He weighed in at 7lb 12oz and 20in long. Gabe is doing rather well with the baby. He still calls him Spaceship and gets upset if we call him Zane. Gabe is having a hard time with the crying...but doing better then I would have ever thought. Zane is adjusting to everything well. When I have more free time I will update.
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