Wow have we been busy. Speech three days a week, dr's appt., family outings, etc. Everyone is doing pretty well in the monkey household. Gabe has adjusted rather nicely to Zane. He is having more anxiety over small broken crayons, or things that are out of place. I have also noticed his sensory issues rearing their ugly head more and more. He has to touch everything, and his fingers are in his mouth almost all the time. I have been letting him use his pacifier more just so I can keep those fingers out of his mouth. Gabe has another OT eval next month. Hopefully, he can get some OT through the school district and some of his sensory issues will take a back seat.
Zane is growing like a weed. I can't believe how big he is getting. He nurses like a champ but he is way fussy. He was dx'd with reflux and started on zantac but I think it is more of a colic thing. He spends most of his awake hours crying unless someone is holding him. I made a moby wrap and he loves to be snuggled inside of it or his sling. I love the moby because it puts him up higher and I can get more done when I am "wearing" him.
So, I have turned into a breast feeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing, hippie momma....and I LOVE IT!!!!
1 comment:
hippie moms rule!!!!
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