My mom kept Zane this weekend because I had to work. She said he acts like he is hungry all the time. She told me he cried a lot and seemed not to be satisfied by his milk. So I said to try some formula. He HATED it...and cried when she tried to feed it to him. So, she said I need to start him on rice cereal. We tried yesterday. he did pretty good but didn't sleep through the night. In fact he was up more often...but he woke up with a 101.6 fever so that might have had something to do with it.
I took Zane to the dr. today and he has bilateral ear infections. Poor kid. They started him on an antibiotic...I hope he feels better soon. We tried the rice cereal again tonight...but he cried through the whole process. So I just gave up. I don't think he is ready for cereal.
Zane started rolling over this weekend too. Well he isn't really the whole way over...his arm gets stuck...but he is almost there! Zane is getting too big too fast. He weighs 13lbs 12oz and is 23in long.
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