Everyone that knows me has had their ears talked off about vaccine's by me! I have been researching vaccine's since Gabe was dx'd with autism. I don't think vaccine's caused his ASD but who knows. What I learned was vaccine's have a whole lot of yuck in them. I decided that I am going to vax Zane very, very, very, slowly. That means one shot every month or two...and no combo shots excepts for DTaP because you can't get it separated. Because of Matt's and my decision to go slow and delete some vaccine's we were kicked out of our old pediatricians office! Doh.
Well today Zane got his first vaccine. He got DTaP. He seems to be okay. A bit fussy but not too bad. He did however act really weird when he woke from a nap. In fact, I thought he was having a seizure. His little arms were flailing around and his eyes looked weird...but it was over too quick and I think it was a really bad startle reflex. He woke up and was on his back and I think it scared him. He doesn't like to lay on his back. Of course it scared the hell out of me and I screamed for Matt...but Zane was okay by the time he came into the bedroom. So, I think it is me just being a crazy momma. I won't take my eyes off of him now!
Why does the big Pharm have to put such nasty things in our children....
I thought about going vax free...but with me working in the medical field I am afraid of bringing things home to my children. Hopefully this shot doesn't do anything to Zane. He is perfect in every way. He coo's and make beautiful eye contact. He is interested in people's faces...and I don't want any of that to fade away....
....already dreading shot number two.....
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