
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Frustration continues.

Gabe is down 5lbs.  Five!  His summer clothes from last year now fit him again.  How much weight is the pediatrician willing to allow him to lose before they decide this is something more serious?  We took Gabe to the ER on Friday because he was crying that his throat hurt and that he couldn't breathe.  That's not behavior.  This is not because he has autism.  This is something more.  My mommy gut is telling me this is not Gabe being fixated on the idea he will choke.  My little guy is experiencing real pain and his pediatrician is sitting my idle allowing this to go on.  I am watching my son starve himself and no one is listening to me.  The ER doctor was the most helpful.

We have Gabe's name on the wait list for the feeding clinic.  It could take a couple months to get in there.  A COUPLE MONTHS.  So what am I suppose to do in the meantime?  Let him starve?  He is so hungry and he just won' eat.  What is probably a physical problem is quickly going to turn itself into a psychological problem.

Frustrated.....completely.  :(

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