Gabe is down 5lbs. Five! His summer clothes from last year now fit him again. How much weight is the pediatrician willing to allow him to lose before they decide this is something more serious? We took Gabe to the ER on Friday because he was crying that his throat hurt and that he couldn't breathe. That's not behavior. This is not because he has autism. This is something more. My mommy gut is telling me this is not Gabe being fixated on the idea he will choke. My little guy is experiencing real pain and his pediatrician is sitting my idle allowing this to go on. I am watching my son starve himself and no one is listening to me. The ER doctor was the most helpful.
We have Gabe's name on the wait list for the feeding clinic. It could take a couple months to get in there. A COUPLE MONTHS. So what am I suppose to do in the meantime? Let him starve? He is so hungry and he just won' eat. What is probably a physical problem is quickly going to turn itself into a psychological problem.
Frustrated.....completely. :(
"Few see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts" -Albert Einstein
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
please eat little Gabe.... 17....still no food. Gabe is down 3 pounds. He still wants nothing to do with eating. He only wants to drink and eat Spongebob GoGurt. I have had him at the doctor 3 times in the last 7 days with no solid answers. We have tried everything. The doctor is sending him to the feeding clinic. They will be able to assess if he needs scoped, a swallow study, etc. I was holding it together really well, but as each day passes I am finding it harder and harder to deal with this. Gabe is losing ground and I feel like there is nothing I can do to stop it. What is happening to my baby?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Still refusing to eat.
Gabe is still not eating. We are on day number 12 of this. I bought some strawberry Pedisure. Thank God he likes it. I figure if I just give him 3 of those a day and carnation instant breakfast he should be getting all that he needs. Or close to it. Frustrated.............................
Monday, July 12, 2010
Eat Little Gabe Eat.
Out of sheer frustration I am blogging. Gabe is on a food strike. It all started with a tummy ache and maybe a sore Gabe was unable to truly tell me what hurt. Since then it has turned into a fear of eating. He is convinced he will choke if he eats. Today I took him to the doctor and his throat is fine. It's not red, it's not infected, rapid strep was negative. The doctor thinks it could be a virus. I'm praying it is just a virus and not a huge regression. He is also stimming a lot. Tracing the wall with his fingers, flitting his fingers in front of his face, pacing, echoing, etc. I can truly relate to those who have kiddo's with feeding issues. I have a new appreciation as to what their daily lives are like. Gabe has narrowed his food selection down to yogurt and chocolate milk. If I do manage to get something in him it is a couple bites and panic sets in that he will choke.
I'm giving it one more week. Next Monday I plan on talking to his private OT for some guidance as to what steps to take next. Hopefully I won't have to have that conversation with her. How long can a kid live on yogurt and carnation instant breakfast?
I'm giving it one more week. Next Monday I plan on talking to his private OT for some guidance as to what steps to take next. Hopefully I won't have to have that conversation with her. How long can a kid live on yogurt and carnation instant breakfast?
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Cookie Monster!
Gabe's first baking/decorating masterpiece! The Cookie Monster. Gabe had a blast rolling these sugary treats in sprinkles and adding spider sprinkles for eyes. He had even more fun eating them.
Our family is loving summer. We are having a great time at the swimming pool and spending some family time at the kitchen table putting together puzzles. Gabe used to be a puzzle nut when he was younger. Hopefully we can bring that back for him. We also broke out the Wii Fit. Gabe and I are doing a daily jog everyday. Maybe he will be a cross county runner someday?!
Zane is busy learning how to talk. He says "ma ma" for mine, mine! It is so cute. And of course I have to take his toys from him just so I can hear him say "ma, ma" and then scream!! He is so loud. He is doing great for his speech therapist. He says or approximates mine, daddy, mama, hot, light, no no and he signs bath, more, thank you, candy. Zane is showing a few signs of autism. He spins a lot and he is starting to rock back and forth on the couch, but is easily distracted. Matt and I both agree we are going to take a sit back and just watch approach as to if Zane may or may not be ASD. In the mean time...loads of reading, tons of floor time, and even more time spent on having FUN!!!
Our family is loving summer. We are having a great time at the swimming pool and spending some family time at the kitchen table putting together puzzles. Gabe used to be a puzzle nut when he was younger. Hopefully we can bring that back for him. We also broke out the Wii Fit. Gabe and I are doing a daily jog everyday. Maybe he will be a cross county runner someday?!

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