Gabe loves the iPad, the iTouch, or anything electronic for that matter. He was playing the computer at 2.5 years old, but not talking, go figure! So we have been using apps for awhile on the iPad and iTouch and I thought I would give a shout out to a couple of them. First on the list is
Proloquo2go. It's a fully functional AAC (assisted communication) device. Everything you need to say in one little app at a great price compared to desk top type AAC devices. Gabe is verbal, so he does not need a fancy AAC device, although we have used them in the past and they are amazing and helped Gabe to a great degree. And it's something we still go back and forth on, but for now P2G is awesome! Gabe has severe language issues and word process, word recall issues. So asking for certain items, or trying to tell me something he did at school can be extremely frustrating for him. Words don't always flow quickly, not to mention motor planning is a huge issue. We call it mush mouth. When Gabe says too much at one time and no one can understand him. Proloquo2go bridges the gap for Gabe and decreases those communication breakdowns.

Next on the list.
Stories2Learn. This is a social stories app. It allows you to customize your child's social stories. Finally there's an App for that! Gabe loves to run in wide open places and doesn't stop to look for cars. He even struggles to stop when mom and dad yell STOP! So we made a social story about that. On Trick or Treat night we made a social story about walking with mom and dad, no running, saying please and thank you. We all had a blast and Gabe did a great job walking with mommy and daddy!
It's even easy enough my 25mo old can use it. He's already "spelling" words :) Okay...so you can't spell them wrong, but it's still great for learning letters.
The next app I plan on downloading is sentence building! It's a total language based app.
Happy "pod"ing