Gabe had his dental surgery yesterday. All went well. He has been sensory seeking and stimming a lot since then, but I don't think it has anything to do with the surgery. His front caps on his teeth look different, but I am sure in time I will get used to it. It just makes me sad that his teeth were that damaged and he had to have a root canal on them :-(.
Zane went from laying on the floor to a sitting position last night! He also said dadadada on Sunday and he got his very first tooth on Wednesday. He has had such a busy week. I can't believe he is going to be 8mo soon. He is getting so big.
This weekend we are going to a picnic with some of my friends from work. I hope Gabe behaves. And then we have a birthday party to go to as well. Daddy took off on Monday and I am thinking a trip to the Harbor might be nice. They have a lot of cool things there for kids. The last trip we took to the Harbor was cut very short by one stinky little boy. Gabe had one of the biggest tantrums and we had to leave. Maybe this time will be different.