I can't believe tomorrow is Turkey day. I am so excited. Mostly because it means I am closer to having this little baby. I love being pregnany but this time I am so tired. Chasing Gabe and not sleeping are wearing me out. I don't sleep more then 2 hours at a time. It is horrible. I pray every night before I go to bed that I will sleep and every night I wake up all night long. It is making me a miserable "B" and I know it. I wish I wasn't feeling that way.
Gabe is doing pretty good. He actually did some pretend play last night. It was so cool. I don't get to see pretend play very often. We have been doing social stories about the baby coming. We started about a week ago. I tell him the same story about the day the baby is born in hopes that it won't rock his little world too much.
As far as Gabe behavior...it is something to be desired right now. He is having a really hard time transitioning and he keeps leaving his room at preschool. He also won't sit and eat dinner and he won't sit still for his preschool teacher either. We are looking into getting him a special seat coushin to help with some of his sensory issues. Hopefully it will work. I am also thinking a weighted vest might do him some good.
Gabe hasn't had OT since the idiot we saw before. I do have the name of an OT but with the baby and everything I have put off calling her. I should do put a call in before the baby is born...just incase there is a waiting list.